lanjutan personality test
7) Kota yg seharusnya saia tinggali adalah :
You Belong in Paris |
![]() Stylish and expressive, you were meant for Paris. The art, the fashion, the wine! Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park... You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. |
8) bagaimana saia bisa bertemu cowok impian saia...(yg ini, saia ga gitu ngerti result nya..setelah mengulang mengisi 3 kali uuuh)
You'll Find Love Through Friends |
![]() Your friends get you better than any guy ever has And they're the perfect people to introduce you to your soulmate So look and act you're best with them, even if it's a girl's night out You never know who they might find for you! |
9) Agama yg seharusnya saia anut. Oke2.. saia memang MUSLIMAH. tapi, dengan mengikuti kuis ini, bukan berarti saia ga yakin ama Islam. Hanya saja.. saia ingin tahu, apa saia sudah bertindak sebagai muslim? (just for fun koq)
You Should Follow Islam |
![]() You believe that there is one true God and that it's your duty to submit to his will. Life may be trying, unfair, or painful here on earth. But you're waiting for the Paradise in the afterlife. Religion is the most important thing in your life, and you are fully devoted to God. You are willing to fast, pray often, and follow all of God's rules to make sure you have a place in heaven. |
10) baca kepribadian lewat tempat tidur.. emang bisa? bisa koq!
What Your Bed Says About You |
![]() Outward appearances aren't important to you at all. You think that the over emphasis on looks to be shallow. Your life tends to be completely chaotic. You aren't a very organized person, and you tend to be slow in cleaning up messes. You are very high maintenance. You like everything a certain way, and you're grumpy if things aren't the way you like them. In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge. You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities. You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere. |
11) Nah, kalo yg ini.. ttg bagaimana saia memandang komitmen. Jujur, saia gak suka dan gak mau berkomitmen (baca: menikah). kenapa? karena yg saia lihat, gak selamanya pernikahan itu membawa kebahagiaan..(tp, saia gak mendukung hidup bersama tanpa nikah loh!). sampai saat ini, biarpun menunggu nimo..saia lebih suka jadi orang bebas,,(boleh kalo punya gantungan mah). So, ini hasil nya :
You Are A Little Scared of Commitment |
![]() You're open to getting serious with someone... though you can't entirely imagine it. Maybe you haven't met the right person. Maybe you haven't gotten to the right point in your life. Your reaction to commitment is very normal - especially if you're young or have been burned before. Give it time. You'll probably be ready for a serious relationship sooner than you think. |
12) test kebiasaan di kamar mandi. hah, ternyata ini juga bisa bikin kepribadian kita diketahui orang? ohhohohoho
What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You |
![]() You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours. You spend a lot on clothes, and you tend to be a very stylish dresser. However, it's hard for you to throw away trendy clothes when they go out of style. You are a very outgoing person. You are true to yourself, and you never hold back. In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return. |
13) ramalan cokelat. umm..yg ini ngga sepenuhnya bener,, apalagi bait terakhir, baris terakhir. huhuhu
What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You |
![]() You are sophisticated, modern, and high class. Your taste is refined, but you are not picky. You are often the first to try something new. You are friendly, witty, and likable. You charm is overwhelming. People are enchanted by you. You have a comeback for anything. Because of this, you seem flippant at times. You love new adventures and activities. You enjoy living a full life, even if it is chaotic. You feel lost when things are quiet. You rather not think... you prefer to just do! |
14) berjalan di kota...
What Your City Walk Means |
![]() You are optimistic and hopeful. Sometimes you do get disappointed by expecting too much. You are quite introverted and maybe even a little shy. You prefer to interact one on one with people. Money is fairly important to you. You aren't super greedy, but you enjoy spending money on yourself. You tend to be organized, logical, and methodical. You're so efficient, people often wonder how you get so much done. |
udah ah.. saia capeee...mau tidur dulu. X|